ALBAN Oral Solid Preparation Contract Manufacturing site is a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer for both developing and manufacturing oral solid preparation with EU GMPQS approval since October 2006 and FDA cGMP inspection planned in 2018.The production capacity is 8 billion tables, 1.1 billion capsules per year and widely variable batch sizes from 300,000 to 1,500,000 tables/capsules. The site is equipped with
- BOSCH-GKF700 Capsule filling machine with Max: 4,200 caps/hr
- GEA PMA-150 high-shear granulator machine
- Glatt (Germany) Rotor Mill (Wet Co-Mill) &Rotor Sieve (dry Co-mill)
- HOONGA high-speed blister-pack line
- Both Automatic and Manual Packaging Lines
- Classified Manufacturing Site with Grade C and D controls
- Fully Temperature Controlled Warehouse with 12,000 square meters
- Suitable for tablets, capsules